Thursday, December 29, 2011

Has the Church become the Club?

As I'm riding downtown Atlanta, GA (near Centennial Olympic park), I noticed a large church called The Tabernacle with a long line wrapped around the building. The Tabernacle was once a church but now a nightclub/concert venue. When people go out in the night life they expect to be entertained, to meet new people and to simply have a good time. The night life is often used as an escape from the pains of real life. One can be "healed" temporarily through the dark atmosphere, loud music and easy access to drugs and alcoholic beverages. 

Does The Tabernacle mirror many current tabernacles? Some people come to church to be entertained, to meet new people and to simple have a good time. The church is often used as an escape from the pains of real life. One can be "healed" temporarily through the heavy emotional atmosphere the church often presents. The dramatic teachings of some preachers enable attendees to become excited yet once they return home, they return to the pains of real life. 
While some churches represent pure entertainment absent from the Holy Spirit, other churches create an atmosphere for deliverance. Once a person is healed, he/she fails to remain healed due to the lack of faith. Thus, I do believe many churches today have become the club. 

So where should the church go from here? The church should never lose focus on the foundation of which it was built. Developing community which relies on discipleship and most importantly- prayer. 


  1. Awesome take on the modern day church. I feel that the body of Christ is at a cross roads. 2011 have shaken many aspects of the church up. So many people are in pursuit of the CELEBRITY that GOD is no longer a part of the equation.

  2. Your right we have been entertained, we need birthed character, integrity, love, patience, and discipline and we will see better results. Truth and Love in action, in Jesus name

  3. Amen! I saw your blog address on twitter. I was just talking to a sister last night about how church become so busy with 'stuff' and who are we doing it for? When there are so many souls who don't know Jesus, His love, etc. Many get lost through all the activities and lose out in the foundational principles...and falling in love with Jesus. Thank you.
