Sunday, May 5, 2013

A God Experience

Last night I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker in Austell, Ga at Messiah's Temple Christian Ministries and was blown away from how God moved in that place. I have been to many churches where it was little or no presence of God within the sanctuary and it seemed to be merely an monopoly. I had the opportunity to meet the host of this event, Neely Terrell many years ago at Clark Atlanta University. She remembered when God first gave me the concept of Pray Or Die! and has always been a supporter. We stayed in contact via social media and one day she asked me to come out to her event and to share a message that may inspire the people. I accepted the invite because I am always honored to share the gospel of Jesus Christ any and everywhere. As I prayed about the message, I felt Holy Spirit say, "people don't need another witty, cleaver sermon but people need to  hear a story of a real overcomer so therefore just tell your testimony."

As always,  I was very nervous when they called my name to come speak. Even though I have spoken in front of thousands of people, I can never get over the feeling of being nervous. As I walked to the stage, I thought "will the people receive me because I'm dressed in Seven Jeans, and pair of fresh black Chuck Taylor's and my "Jesus Im Bout Dat Life" sweater." I said a prayer and left my nerves all in Gods hands.  As I was speaking, I became very emotional. The presence in the room was so overwhelming that non-stop tears began to flow from my eyes as I was sharing my story. It has been a long time since I felt the love of God so strong in a church sanctuary. Immediately after I shared my story, everyone came to the altar for prayer and the pastor publicly stated, "I don't know much about you but from this point you are my son and gave me a huge hug. I felt like sharing my testimony wasn't just for the guests, but for me as well.

Erik Vance sharing an inspirational message

Even though it was the first organized event for the Gospel Cafe, it was very powerful and I look forward to witnessing the growth because it's very much needed. Young Christian adults need a place where they can can fellowship in a true organic way and feel the true presence of God. I'm humbled and thankful to have been apart and this will be an experience that I will always remember. The love was unbelievable!!!

The most unique thing about the night was this guy that walked up to me and said "Pray Or Die! inspired me to started my clothing line." He went on to say that he never witnessed a faith-based movement that was so big and had everyone supporting from all walks of life and that he was inspired to start his line. He ended his statement by saying "Im just thankful to finally meet you and I just wanted to let you know that." His statement reminded me that there will always be times in life when we feel like the great things you do go unnoticed but know that many people are watching and receiving inspiration. After all, we shouldn't do things for public recognition because God is the ultimate rewarder.  Be you, be true to yourself, and the love will chase you.  I will never forget the experience from The Gospel Cafe, in Austell, Ga.

Performing Artist Doug "The Whatley"

"Jesus Im Bout Dat Life" Supporter

Erik Vance and the host Neely Terrell
If you interested in booking me you can send engagement request to PrayOrDieTeam@Gmail.Com if you are interested in ordering Pray Or Die or Jesus Im Bout Dat Life products you can do so at  WWW.PRAYORDIE.ORG for wholesale or group discounts send email to Thanks

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